Float Your Boat Open House Details
July is National Ice Cream Month, so what better way to celebrate than with an ice cream float? At our Float Your Boat Open House, treat yourself to a free ice cream float (flavors: root beer, orange creamsicle, and Shirley Temple). Adding to the fun this afternoon will be live entertainment from 1:30-2:30 PM and a remote-controlled boat demonstration by the Wisconsin Scale Boating Association. You will even have the opportunity to drive a boat yourself! Invite family or friends who might be interested in VMP’s Senior Community Club or Independent Living. Tours of apartment models and SCC areas will be available to those interested.
PLEASE CALL (414) 607-4186 TO REGISTER so we can ensure we have enough treats to go around.
Tuesday, July 30th from 1:00-3:00 PM
Wesley Park Hearth Room
Use the 8621 W Beloit Rd. entrance.